
Archive for September 22nd, 2007

Pure Magic

“There!” Sherise said, taking a step back.

I turned cautiously toward the mirror to see the results. I pulled gently on a curl dangling over my shoulder. It sprang back when I released it. I smiled. I look…pretty, I thought to myself, feeling slightly surprised. Sherise dragged me over to the full length mirror. I swayed and turned in circles, admiring the soft pastel green dress that shimmered in the light. It felt so smooth against my skin. I hoped the rest of my night would be just as smooth.

An hour later I stood on the deck outside of the dance hall, hoping one of my dateless friends would show soon. Everyone said I should come even though I couldn’t date yet.
“We all dance with each other,” a friend had reassured me. Still, a knot was beginning to form in my stomach. Small, friendly private school or no, I felt somewhat silly going to Prom, the biggest dance of the year, without a boy escorting me.
The crunch of gravel beneath tires stirred me from my thoughts. I squinted into the approaching headlights, and sighed visibly as Jean stepped out of the car. We hugged, and made brave in each other’s dateless company, we entered the hall.

Immediate sounds of music and laughter entered my ears as we swung the huge wooden doors open. We were greeted with warm smiles and hello’s and soon I found myself dancing. First with Stan, then Mike and then Jim. As we danced I talked and giggled, but my eyes kept searching the room, for him. The one boy who gave me butterflies in my stomach whenever he looked my way.
I had been crushing on him for months now, well before he had asked my brother if I liked him. My dear brother simply told him what I had stated many times in conversations, “I dunno, but I know she isn’t interested in having a boyfriend.”
I’ve regretted many sentiments I’ve expressed over the years in an attempt to be different from other girls. But actual tears formed in my eyes as I saw my crush across the dance floor, Mary hanging on his arm. That could have been me.

As the song ended, I made my way to the D.J. to request my favorite slow song. I imagined Travis asking me to dance when it came on. He had still not noticed me.
I decided to make my way to the dessert table, where Travis and Mary were standing talking with some friends. Mary saw me first.

“Oh my gosh! You’re so pretty!” she exclaimed. (If she wasn’t such a nice person I would have hated her)
Then my eyes darted toward Travis. He was beaming. It was the biggest smile I had ever seen on his face and it was directed toward me.
“Nice,” he said, “you look so…nice.” he said shaking his head slightly as if amazed. I had the feeling if Mary wasn’t around he might have come up with something better than, nice. But it did the trick for me. I walked away from the table feeling thrilled.
As I rejoined my group of friends, I recognized the opening notes of the song I had requested, Dreaming my dreams by the Cranberries. The lights dimmed and I knew I had to dance to my favorite song. Before I could ponder on who to ask, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, stunned to find myself face to face with Travis.
“May I have this dance?” he asked, offering me his arm. I could only nod as I wrapped my arm around his and floated onto the floor. I still feel the magic, thinking of that blissful moment.

Soap Opera Sunday is hosted by Brillig of Twas Brillig and Kate of Walking Kateastrophe. Please visit either of their blogs for other Soap Opera Sunday posts!

To read my past Soap Opera Sunday posts click here.


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Should I be at all concerned that my four year old boy pretends to nurse his stuffed animals on occasion? Cause honestly it’s sorta cute, but if I should discourage it then I will.
I think his friend Blondie (who also has a baby sib) started the trend when at a playdate she was, “nursin’ dem(her dolls) wif my nibbles.” *chuckle* I think I’m going to use the term nibbles from here on out.


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