
Archive for September 12th, 2007

Summer Bummer

Tara, Candace, Michelle, Jacqueline, Vanessa, Caddie, Elizabeth and Corinne. What do all of these names have in common?

They are names I wished were mine, at one point or another in my life. I’m sure there were others I can’t remember now. I thought anything would be better than Summer.
Summer Wummer. Summer Bummer. Summer Dummer.
Those were just some of the names I got called. And who could forget the corny jokes.
Every year book I own has a, “Have a good summer, Summer!”, often followed by a, (get it?!?) or HAHAHA. Yes, I didn’t always like my name as much as I do now.

I vowed that upon entering junior high I would go by my middle name, Elizabeth. But it never happened. Eventually, as I got older and my peers stopped making fun of it, I realized I might actually like it. It certainly is unique. I’ve met but one other Summer in my life. When I asked my parents about my name, my mom told me I was to be Summer long before I was born. Summer is her favorite season. And she told me I made a joke of it long before anyone else did. At the age of 4 my mom taught me how to do somersaults. And after doing some around the room I asked her if she could show me a mommysault.

So what about your name? Did you and do you like it? What’s the story behind it?


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We have backpacks with 72 hour supplies in the closet right by the front door, but just in case we had to leave too quickly to even grab those, or in case of breaking down, it’s a good idea to have an Emergency Car Kit.

Items you might consider putting in your kit:

* A heavy blanket or two (in case of a break down in winter)
* A flash light and batteries
* A few snacks (granola bars, dried fruit, crackers etc.)
* Water (I always have a flat of bottled waters in the trunk)
* A Small Shovel
* A first aid kit

All of the items could fit into a small duffle bag kept in the back of your trunk at all times. I’m sure there are other items that would be wise to have on hand. What would you suggest?


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